Have you ever; ridden a pony on a mid-summers
                                day?Want to walk on the moon or play cops and robbers?
                                These are just a few precious moments my daughter has
                                in her day.
                                        I have taken these moments and put them into a
                                funny look at life through the eyes of a six-year old
                                girl named, Suzy.
                                        A blue-eyed, blonde haired mischief maker. Her
                                antics carried out with her spotted pony, Gator, in small
                                town USA.
                                      While hilariously funny and engaging,
                                "SADDLESORES" is all about good clean fun
                               with a touch of moral and educational highlights.
                               With each successive strip you will associate
                               the characters with your own life, whether your
                               a child or an adult listening to your inner-child.






     The Creator


                email: deejay_74369@yahoo.com